
###### NULL(NOT NULL):表示字段是否可以为空; ###### DEFUALT:指定字段的默认值; ###### AUTO_INCREMENT:设置字段为自增,只有整型类型的字段才能设置自增。自增默认从1开始,每个表只能有一个自增字段; ###### UNIQUE KEY:唯一性约束; ###### PRIMARY KEY:主键约束; ###### COMMENT:注释字段; ###### 外键定义:外键约束 
PRIMARY KEY(字段名1,字段名2,…,字段名n) ##### CREATE TABLE SCarInfo ##### ( gdID INT,uID INT,scNum INT, ##### PRIMARY KEY(gdID,uID) -- 定义复合主键 ##### ); 
##### CREATE TABLE users ( ##### uID int(11) PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '用户ID', ##### uName varchar(30) NOT NULL UNIQUE, ##### uPwd varchar(30) NOT NULL, ##### uSex ENUM('男','女') DEFAULT '男' ##### ); 
#### CONSTRAINT 外键名 FOREIGN KEY(外键字段名) REFERENCES 主表名(主键字段名); #### CREATE TABLE GoodsType ##### 主表:( tID INT PRIMARY KEY ##### tName VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL ##### ); 设置tid为外键约束 ##### 从表:CREATE TABLE Goods ##### ( gdID INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, -- 标识该字段为主键且自增 ##### tID INT NOT NULL, ##### gdCode VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL UNIQUE, ##### gdName VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, ##### gdPrice DECIMAL(8,2), ##### CONSTRAINT FK_tID FOREIGN KEY (tID) REFERENCES GoodsType (tID) ##### ); 
##### CONSTRAINT 外键名 FOREIGN KEY(外键字段名) ##### REFERENCES 主表名(主键字段名) ##### [ON UPDATE { CASCADE | SET NULL | NO ACTION | RESTRICT }] ##### [ON DELETE { CASCADE | SET NULL | NO ACTION | RESTRICT }] ###### CASCADE:指定在更新和删除操作表中记录时,如果该值被其他表引用,则级联更新或删除从表中相应的记录。 ###### SET NULL:更新和删除操作表记录时,从表中相关记录对应的值设置为NULL。 ###### NO ACTION:不进行任何操作 ###### RESTRICT:拒绝主表更新或修改外键的关联列。 ###### CREATE TABLE Goods ###### ( gdID INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, -- 标识该字段为主键且自增 ###### tID INT NOT NULL,gdCode VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL UNIQUE, ###### gdName VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,gdPrice DECIMAL(8,2), ###### CONSTRAINT FK_tID FOREIGN KEY (tID) REFERENCES GoodsType (tID) ###### ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ###### ); 

select *from 表名;

select gdcode,gdname,gdprice,gdsaleqty from goods;

select gdcode,gdname,gdprice,gdsaleqty,gdhot,gdcity from goods;

select gdname,gdsaleqty*gdprice from goods;
select uname 用户名,year(now())-year(ubirth) 年龄 from users;

select gdname as 商品名称,gdprice as 价格, gdcity 城市 from goods;

select uname 用户名 from users where uid=8;
select uname,uphone,ubirth from users where ubirth>=’2000-1-1′;

and,or ,not
select uname,uphone,ubirth from users where ubirth>=’2000-1-1′ and usex=’男’;
select gdname,gdprice from goods where not(gdprice>50);
select gdname,gdprice,gdcity from goods where (gdcity=’长沙’ or gdcity=’西安’) and gdprice<=50;

select gdname from goods where gdprice (not) between 100 and 500;

select gdname,gdcity from goods where gdcity (not)in(‘长沙’,’西安’,’上海’);

select uname,usex,uphone from users where uname like ‘李%’;
select uname,usex,uphone from users where uname like ‘_湘%’;

select gdcode,gdname,gdprice from goods where gdname like ‘华为P9_%’;
select gdcode,gdname,gdprice from goods where gdname like ‘华为P9|%’ escape’|’;
select gdcode,gdname,gdprice from goods where gdname like ‘华为P9/
%’ escape’/’;
select gdcode,gdname,gdprice from goods where gdname like 一.选择列
select*from 表名;

select gdcode,gdname,gdprice,gdsaleqty from goods;
select gdcode,gdname,gdprice,gdsaleqty,gdhot,gdcity from goods;
select gdname,gdsaleqty*gdprice from goods;
select uname 用户名,year(now())-year(ubirth) 年龄 from users;
select gdname as 商品名称,gdprice as 价格, gdcity 城市 from goods;
select uname 用户名 from users where uid=8;
select uname,uphone,ubirth from users where ubirth>=’2000-1-1′;
and,or ,not
select uname,uphone,ubirth from users where ubirth>=’2000-1-1′ and usex=’男’;
select gdname,gdprice from goods where not(gdprice>50);
select gdname,gdprice,gdcity from goods where (gdcity=’长沙’ or gdcity=’西安’) and gdprice<=50;
select gdname from goods where gdprice (not) between 100 and 500;
select gdname,gdcity from goods where gdcity (not)in(‘长沙’,’西安’,’上海’);
select uname,usex,uphone from users where uname like ‘李%’;
select uname,usex,uphone from users where uname like ‘湘%’;
默认转义字符:“\” ;escape自定义转义字符
select gdcode,gdname,gdprice from goods where gdname like ‘华为P9_%’;
select gdcode,gdname,gdprice from goods where gdname like ‘华为P9|
%’ escape’|’;
select gdcode,gdname,gdprice from goods where gdname like ‘华为P9/%’ escape’/’;
select gdcode,gdname,gdprice from goods where gdname like ‘华为P9?
%’ escape’?’;

select uname,usex,uphone from users where uphone regexp ‘5$’;
select uname,usex,uphone from users where uphone regexp ‘^1[678]’;
is null 运算符(判断是否为空)
select uname,usex from users where uimage is (not) null;

select gdcity,gdname from goods where gdprice<200;
select distinct gdcity from goods where gdprice<200;

select gdcode,gdname,gdprice from goods where tid=1 order by gdprice asc;
select gdcode,gdname,gdprice,gdsaleqty from goods where tid=1 order by gdsaleqty desc,gdprice;

select gdcode,gdname,gdprice,gdsaleqty from goods limit 2;

sum 返回组中所有值的和 avg 返回组中各值的平均值

max 返回组中的最大值 min 返回组中的最小值

count 返回组中的项数

group_concat 返回一个字符串结果,该结果由分组中的值连接组合而成

sum/avg/max/min ([all | distinct] 列名|常量|表达式)

select max(gdprice) from goods;

select sum(gdsaleqty) from goods;

distinct指定count返回唯一非空值的数量(消除重复集);* 指定应该计算所有行并返回表中行的总数

select count(*) from users;


select count()


select uid,uname,usex,ucity from users group by ucity;


select ucity,count(*) from users group by ucity;

group by和group_concat一起使用:
select ucity,group_concat(uname) as unames from users group by ucity;
select ucity,group_concat(uname) as unames from users group by ucity;
select ucity,count() from users group by ucity having count()>=3;
select ucity,count() from users group by ucity having ucity=’上海’;
select ucity,count(
) from users where ucity=’上海’ group by ucity;

select tname,gdcode,gdname,gdprice from goodstype g join goods a on g.tid=a.tid where tname=’服饰’;
select uname,sum(ototal) from users u join orders o on u.uid=o.uid where uname=’段湘林’;

select gdname,gdprice,scnum from user u join scar s on u.uid=s.uid join goods g on g.gdid=s.gdid where uname=’段湘林’;

select s.uname,s.uphone,s.ucity from users s join users t on s.ucity=t.ucity where t.uname=’蔡准’;
(子查询)select uname,uphone from users where ucity=(select ucity from users where uname=’蔡准’);

select s.uid,uname,ototal from users s left join orders t on s.uid=t.uid;

select s.uid,uname,count(t.uid) from orders t right join users s on s.uid=t.uid group by s.uid;

select uid,uname,gdid,gdname from users cross join goods;

select uid,uname,usex from user where uid=1 union select uid,uname,usex from user where uid=2;
select tid,gdname,gdprice from goods where tid=1 union select tid,gdname,gdprice from goods where tid=2 order by gdprice desc limit 3;

select gdid,gdname,gdprice,gdsaleqty from goods where tid=(select tid from goodstype where tname=’服饰’);

select devalution,odtime from orderdetail where gdid=(select gdid from goods where gdname=’LED小台灯’);
select uname,uphone from users where ucity=(select ucity from users where uname=’蔡准’);
select gdcode,gdname,gdprice,gdsaleqty from goods where gdsaleqty<(select gdsaleqty from goods where gdname=’LED小台灯’);


select uname,usex,ubirth,uregtime from users where uid in (selec uid from orders); 


select gdcode,gdname,gdprice from goods where gdprice>any (select gdprice from goods where (tid=(select tid from goodstype where tname='服饰'))); 


select gdcode,gdname,gdprice from goods where gdprice>all (select gdprice from goods where (tid=(select tid from goodstype where tname='服饰'))); 


select*from (select uname,usex,year(now())-year(ubirth) from users) as temptb where uage between 20 and 30; 


select uname,usex,ubirth,uregtime from users where exists(select*from orders where users.uid=orders.uid); 



select (select uname from users where uid=(select uid from orders where oeders.oid=od.oid)) as '用户名',(select gdname from goods where goods.gdid=odid) as '商品名', odtime as '评价时间' from orderdetail as od where date_format(odtime,'%Y-%m-%d')='2016-11-07'; 



----创家居goodshistory,复制goods表结构-------- create table goodshistory like goods; -----将满足条件的商品插入到goodshistory表中------ insert into goodshistory select*from goods where gdquantity<10 and year(now())-year(gdaddtime)>=1; 



update goods set gdhot =1 where gdsaleqty>=200;



select from goods where gdcode in (select gdcode from goodshistory); 

1.show create table newgoods;
2.show index from newgoods;
show keys from newgoods;

1.alter table newgoods drop index ix_gdcode;
2.drop index ix_fullixord on orderdetail;(表名)


create view view_gud(用户名,商品名称,购买数量,商品价格) as select a.uname,gdname,b.scnum,c.gdprice
from users a join scar b on a.uid=b.uid join goods c on c.gdid=b.gdid;
create view view_users as select uname,upwd,usex,ubirth,uphone from users;

show table status like ‘view_users’;
desc view_users;
show create view view_gud;

create or replace view view_users(姓名,电话) as select uname,uphone from users;
alter view view_users(姓名,电话) as select uname,uphone from users;

drop view if exists 视图名 【resteict|cascade】//restrict:表示不能级联删除 cascade:表示级联删除

update view_users set 电话=’154622488200′ where 姓名=’蔡准’;

insert into viewusers values(‘周鹏’,’123′,’男’,’123′,’1999-09-1′);
delete from viewusers where uname=’周鹏’;



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