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快速入门:创建 Azure cdn 配置文件和终结点Quickstart: Create an Azure CDN profile and endpoint



在本快速入门中,请通过创建新的 Azure 内容分发网络 (CDN) 配置文件(一个或多个 CDN 终结点的集合)来启用 CDN。In this quickstart, you enable Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) by creating a new CDN profile, which is a collection of one or more CDN endpoints. 创建配置文件和终结点以后,即可将内容交付给客户。After you have created a profile and an endpoint, you can start delivering content to your customers.


具有活动订阅的 Azure 帐户。An Azure account with an active subscription.

名为“cdnstorageacct123”的 Azure 存储帐户,用于源服务器主机名。An Azure Storage account named cdnstorageacct123, which you use for the origin hostname.

登录到 Azure 门户Sign in to the Azure portal

使用 Azure 帐户登录到 Azure 门户。Sign in to the Azure portal with your Azure account.

创建新的 CDN 配置文件Create a new CDN profile

CDN 配置文件是适用于 CDN 终结点的容器,用于指定定价层。A CDN profile is a container for CDN endpoints and specifies a pricing tier.

在 Azure 门户中,选择“创建资源”(在左上角)。In the Azure portal, select Create a resource (on the upper left). 此时会显示“新建”窗格。The New pane appears.

搜索并选择“CDN”,然后选择“创建”:Search for and select CDN, then select Create:


此时会显示“CDN 配置文件”窗格。The CDN profile pane appears.

输入以下值:Enter the following values:




输入“cdn-profile-123”作为配置文件名称。Enter cdn-profile-123 for your profile name. 此名称必须全局独一无二;如果此名称已在使用,请输入其他名称。This name must be globally unique; if it's already in use, enter a different name.


从下拉列表中选择一个 Azure 订阅。Select an Azure subscription from the drop-down list.

资源组Resource group

选择“新建”并输入“CDNQuickstart-rg”作为资源组名,或者选择“使用现有”并选择“CDNQuickstart-rg”(如果已有该组)。Select Create new and enter CDNQuickstart-rg for your resource group name, or select Use existing and choose CDNQuickstart-rg if you have the group already.

资源组位置Resource group location

从下拉列表中选择你附近的位置。Select a location near you from the drop-down list.

定价层Pricing tier

从下拉列表中选择“标准 Akamai”选项。Select a Standard Akamai option from the drop-down list. (Akamai 层的部署时间大约为一分钟。(Deployment time for the Akamai tier is about one minute. Microsoft 层大约需要 10 分钟,Verizon 层大约需要 30 分钟。)The Microsoft tier takes about 10 minutes and the Verizon tiers take about 30 minutes.)

立即创建新的 CDN 终结点Create a new CDN endpoint now

保持未选中状态。Leave unselected.


选择“创建”以创建该配置文件。Select Create to create the profile.

创建新的 CDN 终结点Create a new CDN endpoint

在创建 CDN 配置文件以后,即可用它来创建终结点。After you've created a CDN profile, you use it to create an endpoint.

在 Azure 门户的仪表板中,选择已创建的 CDN 配置文件。In the Azure portal, select in your dashboard the CDN profile that you created. 如果找不到,可以打开创建它的资源组,或者使用门户顶部的搜索栏,输入配置文件名称,然后从结果中选择该配置文件。If you can't find it, you can either open the resource group in which you created it, or use the search bar at the top of the portal, enter the profile name, and select the profile from the results.

在“CDN 配置文件”页中,选择“+ 终结点”。On the CDN profile page, select + Endpoint.


此时会显示“添加终结点”窗格。The Add an endpoint pane appears.

输入以下设置值:Enter the following setting values:




输入“cdn-endpoint-123”作为终结点主机名。Enter cdn-endpoint-123 for your endpoint hostname. 此名称必须在 Azure 中全局独一无二;如果此名称已在使用,请输入其他名称。This name must be globally unique across Azure; if it's already in use, enter a different name. 此名称用于访问在域 中缓存的资源。This name is used to access your cached resources at the domain

源服务器类型Origin type

选择“存储”。Select Storage.

源服务器主机名Origin hostname

从下拉列表中选择要使用的 Azure 存储帐户的主机名,例如“”。Select the host name of the Azure Storage account you're using from the drop-down list, such as

源服务器路径Origin path

留空。Leave blank.

源服务器主机标头Origin host header

保留默认值(即存储帐户的主机名)。Leave the default value (which is the host name for the storage account).


保留默认选择的 HTTP 和 HTTPS 选项。Leave the default HTTP and HTTPS options selected.

源服务器端口Origin port

保留默认的端口值。Leave the default port values.

优化对象Optimized for

保留默认选择“常规 Web 交付”。Leave the default selection, General web delivery.


选择“添加”可创建新的终结点。Select Add to create the new endpoint. 终结点在创建后出现在配置文件的终结点列表中。After the endpoint is created, it appears in the list of endpoints for the profile.


终结点传播所用的时间取决于创建配置文件时选择的定价层。The time it takes for the endpoint to propagate depends on the pricing tier selected when you created the profile. “标准 Akamai”通常在一分钟内完成,“标准 Microsoft”通常在 10 分钟内完成,“标准 Verizon”和“高级 Verizon”通常在 30 分钟内完成 。Standard Akamai usually completes within one minute, Standard Microsoft in 10 minutes, and Standard Verizon and Premium Verizon in up to 30 minutes.

清理资源Clean up resources

在前面的步骤中,在资源组中创建了 CDN 配置文件和终结点。In the preceding steps, you created a CDN profile and an endpoint in a resource group. 若要转到后续步骤,以便了解如何向终结点添加自定义域,请保存这些资源。Save these resources if you want to go to Next steps and learn how to add a custom domain to your endpoint. 但是,如果认为将来不需要这些资源,可以通过删除资源组来删除它们,避免额外付费:However, if you don't expect to use these resources in the future, you can delete them by deleting the resource group, thus avoiding additional charges:

在 Azure 门户的左侧菜单中选择“资源组”,然后选择“CDNQuickstart-rg”。From the left-hand menu in the Azure portal, select Resource groups and then select CDNQuickstart-rg.

在“资源组”页上选择“删除资源组”,在文本框中输入“CDNQuickstart-rg”,然后选择“删除”。On the Resource group page, select Delete resource group, enter CDNQuickstart-rg in the text box, then select Delete. 此操作会删除在本快速入门中创建的资源组、配置文件和终结点。This action delete the resource group, profile, and endpoint that you created in this quickstart.

后续步骤Next steps



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